2026 Conference March 3rd - 5th, 2026
Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence RI
Press Releases
Press Release - May 20, 2022
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 25th Annual Meeting on May 11, 2022 where the Executive Board was re-elected. Robert B. Searle, Golf Course Superintendent of the Abenakee Club in Bidderford Pool, Maine has been re-elected as the 26th President of the Foundation. Bob is a past-president of the Maine Golf Course Superintendent Association and has been serving on the NERTF Board since 2016. Bob replaced Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS (GCSANE) from Concord Country Club in Concord, MA in 2021. Peter will continue to serve as the Immediate Past-President. Mark B. Mansur, of The Westmoor Club on Nantucket is representing the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents (CAGCS), will serve as the vice-president/treasurer for this upcoming year. Benjamin J. Polimer of the Town of Weston, who represents the New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESTMA), will remain the current foundation secretary. Ben joined the board in 2020. The meeting was also attended by 5 past presidents that are no longer serving on the board James Conant (2001), Gary Watschke (2005), Robert Ruszala (2008), Steve Mann (2014) and Jeff Urquhart (2019).
The Foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 2 delegates from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP) for a total of 17 members. Advisory board members are invited from state universities in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. The board usually meets every other month avoiding the hot days of the summer.
The 25th Annual Conference and Trade Show was held on March 8-10, 2022. It was a welcoming feeling to be back at the Rhode Island Convention Center and in the City of Providence. Many great speakers and presentations were received by those attending. Pesticide recertification credits were available from nearly all the seminars and sessions. The Trade Show was highly successful, some concern about Covid was still evident by a few attendees wearing masks as a precaution, but most did not. Many of the area’s industry vendors contributed generously to the program through sponsorships helping to subsidize the attendees experience with food and receptions. The Show auction was very successful and well supported by donations. $23,305.00 was raised for turfgrass research. The foundation is planning the 26th annual Conference and Show in Providence on March 7-9, 2023. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org or call 401-841-5490.
In other NERTF news, the 11th annual Tee-Up New England rounds of golf auction was held April 11-18, 2022. 101 rounds of golf, a Day of Grass Tennis at Longwood Cricket Club and a Golden Passport to New England Golf donated by the New England Golf Course Owners Association were auctioned off. An astonishing $39,742.00 was raised to help fund turfgrass research for the NERTRT and ATG. The 2023 Tee-Up New England auction is planned for April 10-17. The foundation recently cleared a milestone, with Tee-Up New England’s help, the foundation has funded more than $2.5M of turfgrass research in New England since March 1998 when the first New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show was held, and the first research proposals were submitted later that year.
Gary Sykes, Executive Director
Press Release- May 26, 2021
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 24th Annual Meeting on May 26, 2021 where a new Executive Board was elected. It was Zoom Meeting due to concerns and Covid restrictions. Robert B. Searle, Golf Course Superintendent of the Abenakee Club in Bidderford Pool, Maine has been elected as the 25th President of the Foundation. Bob is a past-president of the Maine Golf Course Superintendent Association and has been serving on the NERTF Board since 2016. Bob is replacing Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS from Concord Country Club in Concord, MA. Peter served as the 23rd & 24th President of the Foundation. He served as the first two term president of the foundation due to Covid-19 concerns. Randy Weeks, of Laconia Country Club was serving as the Immediate Past-President, Peter will replace Randy in that role. Mark B. Mansur, of Wintonbury Hills Golf Course representing the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents (CAGCS), will serve as the vice-president/treasurer for this upcoming year. Benjamin J. Polimer of the Town of Weston, who represents the New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESTMA), will become the current foundation secretary. Ben joined the board in 2020.
The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 2 delegates from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP) for a total of 17 members. Advisory board members are invited from state universities in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. The board usually meets every other month avoiding the hot days of the summer.
The 24th Annual Conference was held virtually on March 2nd & 3rd, 2021. 600 seminar seats and over 400 session seats were sold over the two days. Many great speakers and presentations were received by those attending. Pesticide recertification credits were available from nearly all the seminars and sessions. The conference was highly successful considering the Covid restrictions and the need to offer a remote program. Many of the area’s industry vendors contributed generously to the program through sponsorships helping to subsidize the attendees experience and program. The foundation will celebrate the 25th annual Conference and Show in Providence on March 8-10, 2022 at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Planning has already begun. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org or call 401-841-5490.
In other NERTF news, the 10th annual Tee-Up New England rounds of golf auction was held April 12-19, 2021. 83 rounds of golf, a Day of Grass Tennis at Longwood Cricket Club and a Golden Passport to New England Golf donated by the New England Golf Course Owners Association were auctioned off. Nearly $28,000 were raised to fund turfgrass research here in New England. The foundation recently cleared a milestone, with Tee-Up New England’s help, the foundation has funded more than $2.5M of turfgrass research in New England since March 1998 when the first New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show was held and the first research proposals were submitted later that year.
Gary Sykes, Executive Director
Press Release - May 15, 2019
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 22ndAnnual Meeting on May 9,2019 where a new Executive Board was elected. Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS, Golf Course Superintendent of the Concord Country Club in Concord, MA has been elected as the 23ndPresident of the Foundation, succeeding Jeffrey M. Urquhart of GreenSight Agronomics, Inc.
Peter has represented the Golf Course Superintendent Association of New England on the NERTF Board since 2014. Mark Mansur, of Wintonbury Hills Golf Course representing the Connecticut Association of Golf Course Superintendents (CAGCS), will serve as the vice-president/treasurer for this upcoming year. Robert B. Searle of the Abenakee Club of the MGCSA has been elected to serve as secretary for a second year. Jeff will continue to serve on the board as the Immediate-Past President. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). Advisory board members are invited from state universities in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
The 22ndAnnual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on March 5ththrough March 7th, 2019. The winter weather cooperated nicely with better weather the first week of March than what we are seeing in May! Tuesday seminar attendance was at its second highest number in 22 years. Many new changes and improvements were added to the show in 2019 including a trade show lunch on Thursday. 76 total hours of Education for all attendees were available during the 3 days and the trade show was open a total of 13 hours. The 2020 show dates for the 23rdAnnual Show are March 3-5, 2020 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.orgor call 401-841-5490.
In other NERTF news, the 8thannual Tee-Up New England rounds of golf auction took place April 15-22, 2019. 108 lots of golf across New England and one day of tennis at the Longwood Cricket Club were auctioned off along with a couple of sets of Red Sox tickets. Rounds were collected for the auction by the NERTF and ATG (Alumni Turf Group). All rounds were sold, and over $31,000 was raised towards turfgrass research in New England. We greatly thank all courses who participated in 2019 and wish to extend that to every auction participant for supporting turfgrass research. A complete list of courses that participated is located at www.tee-upnewengland.com.
Gary Sykes, Executive Director
2019-2020 NERTF Executive Board
(l to r): Robert Searle (Secretary), Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS (President), Jeffrey M. Urquhart (Past-Pres.), Mark Mansur (VPres/Treasurer).
Press Release May 15, 2018
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 21stAnnual Meeting on May 14,2018 where a new Executive Board was elected. Jeffrey M. Urquhart, Golf Course Superintendent of the Milton-Hoosic Club in Canton, MA has been elected as the 22ndPresident of the Foundation, succeeding Randy S. Weeks of Laconia Country Club, Laconia, NH.
Jeff, has represented the Golf Course Superintendent Association of New England on the NERTF Board since 2014. Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS of the Concord Country Club also of GCSANE will serve in the vice-president’s seat for this upcoming year. Mark Mansur of Wintonbury Hills Golf Course in Bloomfield, CT will serve as the Treasurer for his second year. Robert B. Searle of the Abenakee Club of the MGCSA has been elected to serve as secretary. Randy will continue to serve on the board as the Immediate-Past President. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). There are two advisory seats filled currently by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island respectfully.
The 21stAnnual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on March 5ththrough March 8th, 2018. The 2018 winter weather cooperated nicely on Monday and Tuesday opening the doors for attendees and exhibit booths whose sales were very strong. Monday/Tuesday seminar attendance was at its second highest number since seminars were added. The weather did become a challenge to the show goers on Wednesday. Matt Light, retired Patriot and 11yr Offensive Lineman for the team, inspired a large crowd during his keynote address. 71.5 total hours of Education for all attendees was available during the 4 days and the trade show was open a total of 13 hours. The 2019 show dates for the 22thannual show are: March 5-7, 2019 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org.
In other NERTF news, the 7thannual Tee-Up New England rounds of golf auction took place April 9-16, 2018. 112 rounds of golf across New England and one day of tennis at the Longwood Cricket Club were auctioned off. Rounds were collected for the auction by the NERTF and ATG (Alumni Turf Group). All rounds were sold, and little over $32,000 was raised towards turfgrass research in New England. We thank greatly all of the courses who participated in 2018 and wish to thank everyone for supporting turfgrass research. A list of courses that participated is located at www.tee-upnewengland.com.
Gary Sykes, Executive Director
Press Release May 17, 2017
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 20th Annual Meeting on May 11, 2017 where a new Executive Board was elected. Randy S. Weeks, Golf Course Superintendent of Lochmere Golf & Country Club in Tilton, NH has been elected as the 21th president of the foundation, succeeding Clifford J. Drezek, of Arbor-Turf Services in Marlboro, MA.
Randy S. Weeks, has represented the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendent Association on the NERTF Board since 2012. Jeffrey M. Urquhart of the Milton-Hoosic Golf Club in Canton, MA representing the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England will serve in the vice-president’s seat for this upcoming year. Peter J. Rappoccio, CGCS of the Concord Country Club also of GCSANE has been elected as a second year secretary. Mark Mansur of Wintonbury Hills Golf Course in Bloomfield, CT will serve in the Treasurer’s seat for this upcoming year. Cliff Drezek will continue to serve on the board as the Immediate-Past President. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). There are two advisory seats filled by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island respectfully.
The 20th Annual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on March 6 through March 9th, 2017. The 2017 winter weather cooperated nicely to open the doors for the attendee and exhibit booth sales to be very strong. Monday/Tuesday seminar attendance was at its second highest numbers. Dan Rooney, United States Air Force Pilot, PGA Professional and Founder of Folds of Honor inspired a large crowd during his keynote address. Booth space has grown steady since 2012. 92 total hours of Education for all attendees was available during the 4 days. The 2018 show dates for the 21th annual show are: March 5-8, 2018 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org.
In other NERTF news, the 6th annual Tee-Up New England rounds of golf auction took place April 10-17, 2017. 102 rounds of golf across New England and one day of tennis at the Longwood Cricket Club were auctioned off. All rounds were sold and $24,000 was raised towards turfgrass research in New England. We thank all courses greatly who participated and wish to thank everyone for supporting turfgrass research. A list of courses that participated is located at www.tee-upnewengland.com.
Gary Sykes, Executive Director
2017-2018 NERTF Executive Board
(l to r): Mark Mansur (Treas.) Peter Rappoccio, CGCS (Sect.), Randy Weeks (2017 President), Jeffrey Urquhart (Vice-Pres.), Clifford Drezek (Immediate Past-Pres.).
Press Release March 25, 2016
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
2016 New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show
The 19th annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show was held on February 29-March 3 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, Rhode Island. Three full days of education were attended by 1800 turfgrass professionals from all parts of New England, and many from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Canada. More than 660 seats were sold in 13 half-day and 2 hr. seminars. 162 exhibitors spreading over a 350+ booth showroom displayed their products and machinery to all in attendance. Mild dry weather was the opposite of the 2015 snow event and set the show up nicely for its 2016 comeback. The 2016 show featured Mr. John Dennis of WEEI radio in Boston as the keynote speaker. Several speakers from New England and across the country gathered in Providence to share “cutting edge” information on various topics pertaining to turf management on Golf Courses, Sports Turf, Lawn Care & Landscape and Equipment Technicians. More than 150 equipment technicians attended education sessions over two of the days. The show schedule was modified from being 3.5 days down to 3 full days allowing for easier travel to and from the Providence downtown area for all attendees and exhibitors.
The 20th annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show dates will be March 6-9, 2017 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI.
2016-2017 NERTF Executive Board
Front Row (l-r): Cliff Drezek, President and Matthew Crowther, CGCS, Immediate-Past President.
Standing (l-r): Jeffrey Urquhart, Treasurer, Peter Rappoccio, CGCS, Secretary and Randy Weeks, Vice-President
Press Release May 6, 2015
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 18th Annual Meeting on May 6, 2015 where a new Executive Board was elected. Matthew A. Crowther, CGCS , Mink Meadows Golf Club in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts has been elected as the 19thpresident of the foundation, succeeding John Clark, of Rochester Country Club in Rochester, New Hampshire.
Matt represents the Golf Course Superintendent Association of Cape Cod on the Foundation’s Board and has been serving since 2011. Clifford J. Drezek of Arbor-Turf Services of Malborough, Massachusetts representing the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals will serve in the vice-president’s seat for this upcoming year. Jeffrey M. Urquhart of the Milton Hoosic Golf Club in Canton, Massachusetts representing the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England will fill the role of Treasurer for the next two years. Randy S. Weeks of the Lochmere Golf and Country Club in Tilton, New Hampshire, representing the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendent Association, will continue as the foundation’s secretary. John Clark will continue to serve on the board as Immediate-Past President. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). There are two advisory seats filled by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island respectfully.
The 18th Annual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on January 26-29th. The show was heavily challenged by the blizzard called Winter Storm Nemo that had dropped 24”and more of snow in Providence and across southern New England on January 27th. The show continued the best it could with many missing exhibitors and a greatly reduced attendance due to the storm. The majority of the 64 hours of education and 13 hours of trade show time did occur and attendees were kept very busy over the 3 days. Sessions included Golf, Sports Turf, Lawn Care & Landscape, and Equipment Technicians. Speakers were a mix of local professors and turfgrass managers with many from outside the New England Region. The 2016 show dates are: February 29-March 3, 2016 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org.
The 4th annual Tee-Up New England golf auction took place April 13-20, 2015. 99 rounds of golf across New England and one day of tennis at the Longwood Cricket Club were auctioned off. All rounds were sold and $23,600 was raised towards turfgrass research in New England. We thank all courses greatly who participated. A list of courses is located at www.tee-upnewengland.com.
2015-2016 NERTF Executive Board
Front Row (l to r): Clifford Drezek (VP.), Matthew Crowther, CGCS (2015-16 Pres.). Back Row: Jeffrey Urquhart (Treas.), Randy Weeks, CGCS (Sect.) and John Clark (Past Pres.)
Press Release May 27, 2014
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 17th Annual Meeting on May 8, 2014 where a new Executive Board was elected. John Clark, GCS of Rochester Country Club in Gonic, New Hampshire has been elected as the 18th president of the foundation, succeeding Steve Mann, CGCS recently retired of the Captain’s Course in Brewster, Massachusetts.
John represents the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendent Association on the Foundation’s Board and has been serving since 2009. Matthew Crowther, CGCS of the Mink Meadows Country Club on Martha’s Vineyard will serve in the vice-president’s seat for this upcoming year. Clifford J. Drezek of Arbor-Turf Services in Marlborough, Massachusetts representing the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals will continue to fill the role of Treasurer. Randy S. Weeks of the Lochmere Golf and Country Club in Tilton, New Hampshire, also representing the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendent Association, will take the pen as the foundation’s secretary. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate from the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). There are two advisory seats filled by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island respectfully.
The 17th Annual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on March 3-6, 2014 and attended by 1800 turfgrass professionals. With 64 hours of education and 13 hours of trade show time attendees were kept very busy over the 4 days. Sessions included Golf, Sports Turf, Lawn Care & Landscape, and Equipment Technicians. Speakers were a mix of local professors and turfgrass managers with many from outside the New England Region. The featured speaker this year was the Director of Grounds of Fenway Park in Boston, David Mellor. David spoke on his experiences and all that occurred in Boston over the last year including the effects of the Marathon Bombing and the Red Sox surprising ride to their 3rd World Series triumph in 10 years! More than 160 exhibitors supported the trade show, and preparations are well on their way for a very early 18th conference and show. The 2015 show dates are: January 26-29, 2015 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org.
2014-2015 NERTF Executive Board
Front Row (l to r): Clifford Drezek (Treas.), John Clark (2014-15 Pres.), Matthew Crowther, CGCS (VP) & Back Row: Steve Mann, CGCS (2013-14 Past-Pres.) & Randy Weeks, CGCS (Sect.)
Press Release May 28, 2013
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation recently held its 16th Annual Meeting on May 28, 2013 where a new Executive Board was elected. Steve Mann, CGCS of the Captain’s Course in Brewster, Massachusetts is the 17th president of the foundation, succeeding Scott Cybulski, CGCS of Martindale Country Club in Auburn, Maine. Steve represents the Golf Course Superintendent Association of Cape Cod on the Foundation’s Board. John Clark, GCS of Rochester Country Club in Gonic, New Hampshire representing the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendent Association will serve in the vice-president seat for this upcoming year. Clifford J. Drezek of Arbor-Turf Services in Marlborough, Massachusetts representing the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals will fill the role of Treasurer. Matthew A. Crowther, CGCS of Mink Meadows Golf Club in Vineyard Haven, MA also representing the Golf Course Superintendent Association of Cape Cod will take the pen as the foundation secretary. The foundation consists of 2 delegates from each of the 7 GCSAA Chapters located in New England, 1 delegate form the Sports Turf Managers Association of New England (NESTMA) and 1 delegate from the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals (MALCP). There are two advisory seats filled by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Rhode Island respectfully.
The 16th Annual Conference and Show was held in Providence, RI on March 4-7, 2013. 64 hours of education and 13 hours of trade show were offered over the 4 days. Attendees had a wide variety of turf management topics to attend including a full-day management seminar on grass tennis courts. Sessions included Golf, Sports Turf, Lawn Care & Landscape, Equipment Technicians, and Professional Development. Sportscaster, longtime sports anchor and avid golfer Len Berman delivered this year’s keynote address. More than 160 exhibitors supported the trade show, and preparations are underway for the 17th conference and show. The 2014 show dates are: March 3-6, 2014 in Providence, RI. For more information on the show and New England Turfgrass Research please visit our website: www.nertf.org.
2013-2014 NERTF Executive Board
Front Row (l to r): Clifford Drezek (Treas.) & Steve Mann, CGCS (2013-14 Pres.); Back Row: Matthew Crowther, CGCS (Sect.), John Clark (VP), Scott Cybulski, CGCS (2012-13 Past-Pres.)
Press Release February 22, 2012
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation
The 15th Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show was held February 6-9th, 2012 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI. More than 2,000 attendees came to Providence to participate in 64 hours of education and view 150 exhibiting companies within the 350 booth trade show. The NERTF also announces the 2013 dates as March 4-7. Here are a few highlights from the 2012 show:
More than 400 seats were sold for eight ½-Day Seminars on Monday
An expanded session for Sports Turf and the USGA Session on Tuesday was well attended
Ray Bourque, former Boston Bruin and Hockey Hall of Famer gave a keynote address.
More than 40 exhibitors were presented with commemorative gifts thanking them for their 15 years of continuous support for the show.
Wednesday was busy with 4 Education Sessions both morning and afternoon, while the Trade Show marketplace kept pace.
The Live and Silent Auctions netted $18,000 again this year. It was noted that the auctions have contributed more than $150,000 in Turf Research Funding over the last 8 years in New England.
The Turf Bowl Crown was protected again for the fourth straight year by UMass though UConn, URI and SUNY Colbleskill schools mounted respectable challenges.
“Tee-Up New England!” was introduced as support continues to grow for the new initiative to increase turfgrass research funding!
Sponsors help to make the show again with: Two Receptions, Keynote Speaker, Early Morning Refreshments, Lanyards, Lunch Vouchers, Nine Holes, Show Program and Driving Range all sponsored!
NERTF has announced $117,000 in Research Funding for 2012.
Since, the organizing of the Conference and Show in 1998, the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation has committed $1.5 Million in turfgrass research funding at UConn, UMass, URI and UNH. The foundation continues to focus on turfgrass research. Recently, the foundation committed to creating a new funding initiative to be called: Tee-Up New England! The initiative will encourage area golfers to bid on donated rounds of golf (foursomes) online in April. All proceeds will go into the New England Regional Turfgrass Research Trust to be applied to research in New England. The foundation hopes the initiative will become an annual event that will help to fill the gap for research funding needed by the industry. The auction will give golfers the opportunity to play places of interest that they may not normally had access to. Participating golfers will contribute through the initiative to improving turf which will also improve the game of golf. Hence, “Better Golf through Turfgrass Research.” For more information visit: www.nertf.org.
2012 Executive Board
Press Release May 25, 2010
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc. elects new officers for 2010-2011.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation announces that Michael A. Buras, CSFM, Head Grounds Superintendent of the Longwood Cricket Club in Chestnut Hill, MA has been elected as the 14th President for the 2010-2011 Fiscal year. He has served on the NERTF Board of Directors since 2005 as a delegate appointed by the New England Sports Turf Managers Association. Mike has been at Longwood Cricket Club for the last 14years and will replace 2009-2010 President Robert A. Matthews, CGCS of Barcellos & Kane Landscape, Hingham, Massachusetts, who will continue to serve as the foundation’s Immediate Past President. Christopher Cowan, of newly founded Atlantic Golf & Turf will serve as Vice-President. Roderick W. Blake of Rockingham Country Club, New Market, New Hampshire will serve as Treasurer for a second year. Scott Cybulski, CGCS of the Martindale Country Club, in Auburn, Maine will serve as the Foundation Secretary for the next two years. Other board members include: John Clark, NHGCSA; James H. Connelly, MALCP; Anthony Grosso, CAGCS; James Hodge, MGCSA; Ted Maddocks, VTGCSA; Steve Mann, GCSACC; William Morton, RIGCSA; Philip Neaton, CAGCS; Mark Richard, RIGCSA; Robert Ruzala, GCSANE; Michael Stachowicz, GCSANE. Also serving in an advisory capacity is: Mary Owen, UMass Extension and Dr. Noel Jackson, URI.
The Foundation enjoyed a successful 13th Turfgrass Education Conference and Trade Show on March 1-4, 2010 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI. More than 3000 individuals attended 4 days of education conference and trade show activities. The 14th Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show scheduled dates for 2011 are March 7-10th. The NERTF continues to fund turfgrass research in the New England Region and since 1996, the foundation will soon reach 1.2 million dollars of research funding. For more information concerning the foundation, the conference and show, or funded turfgrass research go to www.nertf.org.
Submitted by: Gary J. Sykes, Executive Director (401-841-5490)
Board of Directors of the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, May 12, 2010. Front row (l-r): V-Pres Christopher Cowan, President Michael Buras, Mary Owen, Secretary Scott Cybulski, Treasurer Rod Blake, Immediate Past-President Robert Matthews. Back row (l-r) Cliff Dreszek, Robert Ruszala, Jim Connelly, Jim Hodge, Mark Richard, Dr. Noel Jackson, Michael Stachowicz, John Clark, Bill Morton, Philip Neaton. Absent were: Anthony Grosso, Steve Mann and Ted Maddocks.
Press Release May 20, 2009
New Officers for the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation announces that Robert A. Matthews, CGCS, CIA of Barcellos & Kane Landscape, Hingham, Massachusetts has been elected as the 13th President for the 2009-2010 Fiscal year. Bob has been serving on the NERTF Board of Directors since the year 2002 as a delegate appointed by the Golf Course Managers Association of Cape Cod, which has recently been officially change to the Golf Course Superintendents Association of Cape Cod . Bob replaces William R. Morton, CGCS golf course superintendent of The Misquamicut Club of Westerly, Rhode Island. Bill Morton will continue to serve as the Immediate Past President. Michael A. Buras, CSFM of the Longwood Cricket Club, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts will serve as Vice President. Roderick W. Blake of Rockingham Country Club, New Market, New Hampshire will begin serving as Treasurer. Christopher Cowan, sales representative of Turflinks, Inc., of Sutton, Massachusetts will serve as the Foundation Secretary.
The Foundation enjoyed its 12th Annual Turfgrass Education Conference and Trade Show on March 2-5, 2009 at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI. More than 3000 individuals attended 4 days of education conference and trade show activities. The 13th Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show is scheduled for March 1-4th, 2010. The NERTF has funded more than $900,000 in turfgrass research in the New England Region since being formed in 1996. By the year 2010, the foundation will reach the 1 million dollar milestone of research funding. More information concerning the foundation, conference and show, and funded turfgrass research is available at www.nertf.org.
Press Release May 10, 2007
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation announces that Robert A. Ruszala, golf course superintendent of Hickory Ridge Country Club in Amherst MA, has been elected president for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Bob has been serving on the NERTF Board of Directors since 2000 as a delegate of the Golf Courses Superintendents Association of New England (GCSANE) which he served as president of in 2000 & 2001. He replaces Ted Maddocks of Ekwanok Country Club, Manchester VT, who will continue to serve on the board as the immediate past president. William R. Morton, CGCS of The Misquamicut Club (Watch Hill, RI) will serve as vice-president, Bob A. Matthews, CGCS, CIA, of White Cliffs Country Club (Plymouth, MA) will serve as secretary, and Michael A. Buras, of Longwood Cricket Club (Chestnut Hill, MA) will serve as Treasurer. The foundation has recently enjoyed its 10th Educational Conference and Trade Show at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI. More than 3000 individuals attended the 4 days of education conference and trade show activities. The 11th Annual New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show will take place on March 3-6th, 2008. The NERTF has funded more than $763,000 in Turfgrass Research in the New England area since being organized in 1996. More information may be obtained concerning the foundation, the conference & show and turfgrass research funded by the foundation, by visiting our website @ www.nertf.org.
Attached (below) with this release is a picture of: Incoming President Robert Ruszala, Outgoing President Ted Maddocks, Executive Director Gary Sykes presenting NERTF Show Manager David Rosenberg with a framed 10th Anniversary Show memento at this year’s annual meeting on May 10th, 2007.
Press Release June 22, 2006
New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation, Inc.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation announces that Ted A. Maddocks of the Ekwanok Country Club in Manchester, Vermont has been elected president for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Ted has been serving on the NERTF Board of Directors since 1999 and represents the VtGCSA along with Chris Cowan (TurfLinks, Inc.). He replaces James B. Hodge of Frye Island Country Club in Maine, who will continue on the board as the immediate past president. Robert A. Ruszala of Hickory Ridge Country Club will serve as Vice President, William R. Morton, CGCS of The Misquamicut Club will serve as treasurer, and Bob A. Matthews, CGCS, CIA, of White Cliffs Country Club will serve as secretary. The foundation is beginning its 11th year since incorporating in July of 1996. In March of 2007, the 10th New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show will take place at the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence Rhode Island on March 5-8th. The foundation has funded more than $600,000 in Turfgrass Research in the New England area since being organized in 1996.
Press Release July 31, 2001
A new mailing by the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation has just been sent out to all New England Golf Courses. The mailing includes an informative brochure explaining the rich history and the hopes of a bright future for the turfgrass research and education opportunities available in the New England Region along with information about the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation. It is hoped that the mailer will attract golf course owners and operators to be a part of securing the future for these valuable programs by making a $200 or more donation to the New England Regional Turfgrass Research Trust. The foundation is applying for 501(c)(3) tax deductible status for the research trust with the IRS. Eventually all private donations will be tax deductible to the NERTRT. All donations will go directly into local turfgrass research projects to benefit most those facilities in New England. This research will also help to support the future of the turfgrass curricula opportunities in New England. These donations would come from those who benefit most from all research, the end user, the golfer! As this mailer is received and questioned at each facility, we hope all superintendents will help it along and encourage your clubs to make their donation. A newsletter will also be produced over the winter to be sent to each facility that contributes to the New England Regional Turfgrass Research Trust. The Board of Directors has high hopes that this will greatly increase the foundations ability to fund more research that is greatly needed in the New England golf and turf industry.
A new Mission Statement has also been approved by the Foundation’s Board: Improving Turfgrass Through Research, Education and Environmental Stewardship. The Foundation hopes to communicate the focus on these three important aspects of the industry using this mission statement. For more information please contact the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation’s office @ 401-841-5490.