2025 Conference March 4th - 6th, 2025
Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence RI

In 1996, the New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation was formed through the cooperation of the seven Golf Course Superintendent Associations within the New England Region, along with the New England Sports Turf Managers Association, and the Massachusetts Association of Lawn Care Professionals. By Combining their efforts, and interest in the Science of Turfgrass Management, the Foundation’s goal is to service all of the Turfgrass industry within the New England Region. Golf Course Superintendents, Lawncare Professionals, Sport Turf Managers, as well as Cemetery Grounds Managers, Park and Recreation Personnel and Landscapers all can benefit.
In just three years, The New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show grew to be the second largest regional turfgrass conference and trade show in the country. In 2000, the conference attracted more than 2300 attendees. As the foundation approaches its 20th annual conference to be held in March 2017, turfgrass industry professionals continue to come to Providence. The New England Regional Turfgrass Conference and Show remains as one of the largest turfgrass shows produced each year in the country.
The New England Regional Turfgrass Foundation organized the “New England Regional Turfgrass Research Trust” for the purpose of collecting and disbursing donations and contributions made to be applied toward Turfgrass Research being done within the New England Region at state institutions. The NERTRT is an IRS 501 (c)(3) entity. This will allow for federal tax deductions to those who wish to contribute monetarily to the foundation.